Fishing Reports
Chesapeake Bay Fishing Reports
Maryland Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries Fishing report provided by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Fishing reports for Maryland waters updated weekly.

Maryland Angler’s Log. User-submitted fishing reports with photos at the Maryland DNR website.
Rudow’s FishTalk Magazine Weekly Fishing Reports – Weekly fishing updates organized into eight different Chesapeake Bay regions. Brought to you be the author of Rudow’s Guide to Fishing the Chesapeake Bay.
Tidal Fish. Fishing reports include Maryland and Virginia portions of the Chesapeake Bay.
Angler’s Sport Center Report. Detailed reports from Anglers Sports Center in Annapolis.
Chesapeake Bay Fishing Books
Rudow’s Guide to Fishing the Chesapeake
This very popular guide to fishing the Chesapeake Bay covers each region of the Bay, tells you what you’re likely to find there and how best to catch it. The book takes three approaches to covering Chesapeake Bay fishing. First it provides regional guides for the Upper, Middle and Lower Chesapeake Bay. Next it covers tactics and tackle. The final section includes information on 20 different sport fish. The book has lots of tips, detailed information and observations throughout. Buy at
Field Guide to Fishes of the Chesapeake Bay
This new guide, published in March of 2013, provides information about over 200 species of the fish that live in the Chesapeake. A good reference for fishermen, but also very interesting for anyone who lives around and likes to explore the Bay. There are color illustrations of each species. Buy at
Trolling for Striped Bass and Bluefish
This book will help you get the most out of Striped Bass season. This guide tells you what you need to know about outfitting your boat for trolling, selecting the best lures and lines, and the most effective trolling speeds and patterns.
The Author, Pete Barrett, is an experienced charter boat operator who’s fishing articles have been featured in many national publications. Buy at
The Ultimate Guide to Striped Bass Fishing: Where to Find Them, How to Catch Them
Details on how to catch Striped Bass by surfcasting, bait fishing, trolling, and fly-fishing. With the tips provided by the author and a better understanding of the rockfish’s biology, life cycle, and habits, you’ll be well-armed to go out and catch your limit. The author, Eric B. Burnley Sr has over 40 years of experience with striped bass fishing and is an accomplished writer and guide. Buy at